Debunking Common Perimenopausal Skincare Myths

AliThere’s an undeniable knowledge deficit around menopause and perimenopause. The truth of this physical change is often shrouded amid myth, making it hard to know exactly what to expect from this time of life and how best to navigate it, especially when it comes to your skin. This article aims to demystify the concept of perimenopausal skincare, separating fact and fiction to help you traverse perimenopause skin changes with peace of mind.
Busting ageing and perimenopausal skincare myths
Myth #1 - Only teenagers get breakouts
One of the most commonly accepted skin myths is that breakouts and acne are solely reserved for teens going through puberty. Many believe that upon entering your 20s, you can kiss goodbye to the risk of regular pimples, but it’s simply not true. Perimenopausal acne is incredibly common, and something you should prepare for, even with maturing skin.
So what’s the link between the skin of plucky teens and those entering menopause? Well, it all comes down to hormones. Puberty, much like menopause, sees dramatic hormonal fluctuations and imbalances, which increase a person’s susceptibility to acne. Specifically, a decline in estrogen can lead to an increased oil production, triggering persistent breakouts. While estrogen levels start to decline, androgens like testosterone tend to dominate, stimulating the sebaceous glands to also produce more oil.
Myth #2 - Skincare is your only solution
Regular, targeted skincare can certainly work magic, but sadly not miracles. When combatting the effects of perimenopause, a deeply hormonal, multi-faceted bodily change, you can’t expect a good moisturiser to be your sole saviour for healthy, radiant skin. Instead, you’ll need to approach your perimenopausal skin challenges holistically, considering not only what you put on, but what you intake. Healthy diet and lifestyle choices all have a significant role to play in reclaiming back your glow.
Alongside a dedicated perimenopausal skincare regimen, also consider the following:
- Include a generous portion of healthy fats in your daily meals - avocado, nuts and seeds, for example. These good fats help with balancing hormones and inflammation.
- Limit processed foods and sugar as this can contribute to glycation, a process that damages natural collagen production, accelerating the signs of ageing.
- Regular daily exercise to boost circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients to skin cells.
- Improved sleep hygiene and quality to allow for additional skin repair and renewal.
Myth #3 - You need to invest in dozens of new products
There can be a tendency, especially when your skin is amid a freakout that’s showing no sign of slowing down any time soon, to panic buy an entirely new skincare routine. Pressured by a trend of beauty overconsumption, and 20-step routines, you can (understandably) end up doing more harm than good, prolonging your concerns by overwhelming your skin. In reality, those experiencing the beginning of perimenopausal skin, need only tailor their current regimen, perhaps investing in only a few, new targeted products to support arising concerns.
While maturing ageing skin might need a little more TLC, it doesn’t mean it has to be more high maintenance. We’re taught to need every beauty product under the sun as we age, in part because, women especially, are rarely allowed to age in peace, but mainly because companies want to extort this insecurity for big profits. Tune out the noise and listen to what your skin really needs, which is likely a morning and evening routine of no more than 4 gentle yet effective products.
Myth #4 - Drinking more water will solve your hydration issues
“Try drinking more water” - the skincare tip as old as time itself, if only looking after your skin was that easy, eh? While there is something to be said for ensuring your body stays hydrated, this doesn’t mean should rely on a few cups of water every day to meet your skin needs, topical application of hydrating ingredients is where your complexion can thrive.
Dryness is a common complaint for those with perimenopausal skin. As estrogen starts to decline, so does the skin's natural ability to retain moisture, it starts to need a little helping hand along the way, combining both a regular water intake AND targeted skincare products. Hyaluronic acid, hemp seed oil and the like are a perimenopausal skin’s best friend.
Myth #5 - You should stick to the same routine every day
There’s the old adage that if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. While we also promote leaning into a routine that you and your skin love, we also suggest tailoring accordingly rather than sticking to a regimen religiously. Our skin changes like (and with) the seasons, what it needs one month might be slightly different the next. The hormonal fluctuations of menopause and everchanging environmental and weather triggers mean you’ll need to become accustomed to tuning into your skin's needs.
Perhaps one day you’ll notice increased sensitivity and redness, aka, maybe lay off the actives for a few days. On another, the weather might be biting cold with harsh winds, aka time to double down on moisture and hydrating ingredients for a while to protect your skin barrier. Every day presents a new face with potentially different needs, keep this in mind when tailoring your skincare for perimenopausal skin.
Effective tips for navigating perimenopause skin changes
- Wear sunscreen every day, as a non-negotiable
We harp on about the importance of sunscreen a lot, but only because sun damage is far easier to prevent than it is to rectify, especially for mature skin eeking into menopause. Find a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum factor of 30 that you enjoy lathering on daily, don’t let it feel like a chore.
- Add gentle exfoliation to your routine
If you struggle with sensitive skin during perimenopause you may shy away from exfoliants. While it’s best to avoid harsh scrubs, gentle chemical exfoliants can help to buff away dead skin cells and promote new cell renewal for a rejuvenated glow. Our Glycolic Facial Cleanser has been developed for daily use, supporting perimenopausal skin to achieve a regular skin cell turnover.
- Manage your stress
Chronic stress is a well-known enemy of happy skin. Moving into the hormonal minefield of perimenopause, while simultaneously coping with the trials and tribulations of daily life, is enough to test anyone's stress levels. To avoid the overwhelm, practice stress-management techniques, exercise daily and invest in time for yourself.